CSV and XLSX Format Guide

For best results, format the CSV or XLSX order file per the table below.

For the CSV, the delimiter can be either ";" (semicolon) or "," (comma). The default is comma. It can be changed by going to the bottom left corner of the Dashboard, clicking on your account and then selecting Settings.


If using a comma as part of the order information, it needs to be ‘in quotes’, regardless of which delimiter you are using.


Several characters can't be used in the text fields when uploading Orders via CSV template or manually. Such symbols like ${};:"[]=\ are illegal characters in the fields.

Field name Description Value Maximum length Example Notes
ID ID is unique for all orders ever uploaded for an organization. Required, unique (String) 60 123abc456
First name Optional, depending on order type - first name of parcels' recipient (delivery)/sender (pickup) 70 John
Last name Required, depending on order type - last name of parcels' recipient (delivery)/sender (pickup) 70 Doe
Business name The business sending or receiving the delivery or pickup. Optional 80 My Business Name
c/o ‘Care of’ contact name if relevant Optional 40 Care of Name
Address line 1 Required 250 10115 Berlin Invalidenstr. 116 Format is zip state city (district) subDistrict block subBlock houseNumber. From the large to smaller separated by a space.
Address line 2 Optional 150
Latitude Optional 90.0 to -90.0 52.12 Automatically geocodes the address during upload if latitude is not specified
Longitude Optional 180.0 to -180.0 12.32 Automatically geocodes the address during upload if longitude is not specified
City Required 40 Berlin
Postcode Required 40 10115
Country code 2 or 3 letter country code, following https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1 (alpha-2 and alpha-3) Required 3 DE
Phone The end customer’s phone number Optional 40 +01234567890
Email The end customer’s email address Optional 150 john.doe@here.com
Customer notes Description of the end customer and visible on the dashboard only, for example 'premium customer'. It is an internal record for HERE Last Mile customer operations. Optional 120 Some Notes
Order notes Description of the specific order task and intended to be visible on the dashboard and for the driver, for example 'fresh food' Optional 1000 Some notes
Start time The earliest time a pickup or delivery should happen. Required. Format MM.DD.YY HH:mm Validation of time format 03.19.21 08:00 Up to two time windows per task can be added in the Dashboard manually, in the CSV can be added as an addition raw with same data (id, address..) but different time windows.
End time The latest time a pickup or delivery should happen. Required. Format MM.DD.YY HH:mm Validation of time format 03.19.21 18:00 Up to two time windows per task can be added in the dashboard manually, in the CSV can be added as an addition raw with same data (id, address..) but different time windows.
Service time (m or mm:ss) The time for servicing the pickup or delivery, for example 3:30 for 3 ½ minutes Required. Service time in minutes or mm:ss seconds format in range 0 min 0 sec to 99 min 59 sec. 99:59 3:30 3 min 30 sec
Job type Part of an order Required. Possible values are delivery, pickup pickup or delivery delivery Also known as 'Task type'. For one order comprising a pickup & delivery, enter as separate lines on the CSV with the same ID.
Demand The physical size of the thing to be picked up or delivered. Unit is used/defined per organization per their business since only a number is entered. Should be positive value Optional (integer only). If not added, Last Mile adds '1' by default. 10 Use: determines if the order can fit in a particular vehicle. Examples 1. Capacity of vehicle is 1000kg; demand for an order 10kg OR 2. Capacity of a vehicle is 15 cubic metres; demand for an order is 1 cubic metre
Depot The name of the Depot executing the order. Optional Berlin Depo Use Depot name that exists in the org, otherwise an error occurs.
Skills Driver skills Optional Not currently in use.
Tag Custom user Tag field, allows tagging and filtering the orders based on the customer tags. Enables batch planning of the orders based on areas. Optional 40 per tag, 10 tags AML10, AML40, etc Not case sensitive.

Validation reference

The CSV or XLSX upload fails and return errors in the following cases:

  • If the field length exceeds its maximum characters (see Maximum length in the table above)
  • Order ID is not provided or matches an ID that has already been used
  • Address field is not provided
  • Duration, Start and End fields are not set
  • Demand field value is negative
  • Geo coordinates are not set
  • Job type is not one of 'deliver' or 'pickup'

Please check Dashboard Troubleshooting section for more errors' descriptions and solutions.

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    No results matching ""