Managing Routes

Once you have added your vehicles and drivers and uploaded your orders to HERE Last Mile, you are ready to start planning and dispatching the routes.

All your vehicles are listed on the Assignments panel next to the Orders panel. Routes are visible for the current and future dates, so it is important to ensure all routes on a day are completed by the drivers in the field. At any one time, you may see up to four groups listed – available, planned, in progress, and done.


Displays all available vehicles that are not yet planned into a route. These are selected when planning new routes. These may have drivers already assigned. Vehicle information is displayed for easy identification:

  • Driver – choose which driver should be assigned to the vehicle.
  • Model – your vehicle’s unique identifier.
  • Number plate – your vehicle’s unique identifier.


Displays all routes that are planned but not yet dispatched. These may have drivers already assigned. Otherwise, drivers need to be assigned before dispatching. Clicking on a route displays its details in the list and on the map to the right. Summary route information is displayed in the list:

  • Driver – choose which driver should be assigned to the vehicle.
  • Model – your vehicle’s unique identifier.
  • Number plate – your vehicle’s unique identifier.
  • The total number of activities (pickups or deliveries).
  • Route status set to Planned.
  • (Upon mouse hover) route summary information for the number of stops, cost, distance, start and end time and total time.

Route information displayed in detail:

  • Map view of the route.
  • Driver – choose which driver should be assigned to the vehicle.
  • Model – your vehicle’s unique identifier.
  • Number plate – your vehicle’s unique identifier.
  • Route cost, distance and time.
  • The total number of stops.
  • Time of departure from the depot (in your chosen time zone). See also Manage Settings.
  • Arrows indicating whether an activity is a pickup or delivery.
  • Status of the activity – automatically set to Planned. In the orders list, displayed as Scheduled.

In Progress

Displays all dispatched routes. Clicking on a route displays its details in the list and on the map to the right. Once a route has started, the status of individual orders updates according to the progress on the driver’s HERE Last Mile app. The same information is shown as for the Planned group of routes, except:

Route status is set to Assigned until the driver starts the first stop, then it moves to In Progress. Detailed activity statuses also update accordingly as follows:

  • Accepted – for the pickups when the driver hits Go for their stop. For deliveries - once the respective pickup has been completed.
  • In Progress – for pickups and deliveries when the driver hits Go for their stop. In the orders list, also displayed as In Progress.
  • Green Tick – for successfully completed pickups and deliveries (driver completes them in the app). In the orders list, displayed as Done.
  • Grey X – for unsuccessful deliveries (driver completes them in the app). In the orders list, displayed as Not Done until the route is completed thereafter as Returned.
  • Cancelled – for unsuccessful pickups and their matching deliveries (driver completes them in the app). In the order list, displayed as Open.


An unsuccessful pickup automatically cancels its planned delivery. In the orders list, it is displayed as OPEN, since the pickup is assumed to still be at the depot ready for taking into a route.


The list of completed routes, displaying a status of Done or Cancelled.

Inside each type of completed route, there may be successful, failed or cancelled pickups or deliveries.

The driver app automatically leads the driver to return failed deliveries to the starting depot before the route can be completed. These returns can be identified on the dashboard in the Orders list via the filter for ‘Not done’ status (they are not shown in the route details). Cancelled pickups and their matching deliveries are shown as Accepted orders, with the time of cancellation marked in red.

Planning a Route

The steps below are the general flow for the typical route planning, with each step described in detail in the next sections of this user guide:

  1. Create a Route
  2. Assign Drivers
  3. Dispatch a Route

You may also need to do some of the following actions which are covered in detail here:

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