
Topic Situation Solution
Route optimization Not all orders can be planned into routes. HERE Last Mile displays errors when orders cannot be added to routes. Depending on the error, you may need to change some order information, such as time window or check your vehicle properties. See possible errors below.
Route results You selected 10 vehicles but only eight were used in the routes that were created. HERE Last Mile optimizes for the most efficient operational cost. That is, if you select 10 vehicles, but the orders can be most efficiently delivered with eight of those, then eight routes are created. You can ‘force’ route creation by planning in smaller batches and selecting a smaller number of vehicles each time, so that a route is created for each vehicle.
Uploading CSV or XLSX Your orders file could not be uploaded to HERE Last Mile. HERE Last Mile displays errors when your CSV or XLSX upload fails. Depending on the error type you should fix possible issues in your file to upload it. See possible errors below.
Sign in to Dashboard Can not log in to Dashboard - always return to the Sign in page. Please ensure that you are not using the same account for the dispatcher and the driver in the same route, since HERE Last Mile expects those to be two different accounts. You might also have signed into Last Mile with the same account on more than 4 instances at the same time (e.g. multiple phones and web browsers). This will happen rarely, and a solution for the dashboard would be to delete all cookies from the browser.
Accept Invitation failed Error: Couldn't complete your request. If you click the 'Accept Invitation' link in your email then see the error message "Couldn't complete your request. Please try again", you should copy the link from the email and open it in an Incognito/InPrivate browser window.

Route Optimization Errors

Error message Solution
Doesn't fit into any vehicle due to limited capacity () You were trying to assign too many items to a vehicle, which doesn’t match its capacity. Those items were not included in the route, try to assign them to another vehicle.
Can't be visited within time window () You were trying to assign a job that can't be completed because there's either not enough time in the driver's workday, or the depot is closed at the moment. Try to assign this order to another driver with the respective time window, or check the depot working hours and try to assign it when the depot is open. Another reason is that you might have specified a long service time for some of the orders e.g. 90 minutes versus 5 minutes.
No reason found () You were trying to assign a job to a vehicle, but the job can't be completed with this vehicle because of unknown reasons. Try another vehicle for this job.
This route includes at least one blocked or closed road. The route will not include some specific order as the vehicle won’t be able to reach the specific location due to blocked or closed roads. You will be able to proceed with such an order when the road situation changes.
Can't be assigned due to vehicle's distance constraint () The job can't be completed using this vehicle because it can't travel far enough to reach the job site. Try to assign this job to another vehicle.
Can't be assigned due to vehicle's shift-time constraint () The job can't be completed using this vehicle because the vehicle is not available at the required time. Try to use another vehicle with the respective shift-time schedule.
Can't serve required skill () Skill is a specific ability that a driver and/or vehicle must have in order to complete this job. If you got this error, then you should revisit the vehicle or the driver for this order.
Other errors () You were trying to assign a job to a driver that can't be completed because there was some sort of error and it is not any of the known error types.

CSV and XLSX Upload Errors

Error message Solution
Address/ID/Recipient or business name not properly defined. Make sure that your order address, ID, recipient or business name are specified correctly in your template.
Some required columns are missing. The CSV or XLSX template can not be uploaded with the missing required fields. Check the CSV and XLSX Format Guide for detailed information on which fields are required or optional.
Need to use date/time format 'MM.DD.YY HH:mm' or 'MM.DD.YY HH:mm Z' Make sure that the date and time format for your order are specified correctly. Check the CSV and XLSX Format Guide for detailed information.
Provided value for (field) is too long. Limit is () characters. Occurs when a certain field(s) exceeds the allowed length limit. Reduce the number of characters in the specified field to the allowed number and try again.
The file contains at least one job with an ID that was imported previously. Please make sure all IDs are unique for all jobs and uploads and try again. The IDs in your CSV file are unique and can be used only once in HERE Last Mile, so you should make sure that no ID in your .csv file matches the previously used IDs.
The file contains the wrong format for "demand". Please make sure the value is a positive whole number and try again. Check the Demand field - most probably the specified value is negative or not a whole number.
Depot name needs to be the same for a single job ID. Occurs if the depot name is different for the single job ID. Check that the specific job ID is not repeated for the different depots.
Depot name does not match any of the known depots. Either correct or remove it. Occurs if your file contains depot names that do not exist in your organization or the depot name was not specified correctly.
Uploaded file has customer notes containing invalid characters. Occurs if the uploaded file contains invalid characters in the customer notes. See CSV and XLSX Format Guide for details.
Uploaded file has order notes containing invalid characters. Occurs if the uploaded file contains invalid characters in the order notes. See CSV and XLSX Format Guide for details.
Uploaded file has incorrect columns. These columns are required: ID, First name, Last name, Business name, c/o, Address line1, Address line2, Latitude, Longitude, City, Postal Code, Country code, Phone, Email, Customer notes, Order notes, Start Time, End Time, Service time [m / m:ss], Job type, Demand, Skills, Depot name. Occurs if some of the required fields are missing. See CSV and XLSX Format Guide for details.
Need to use service time format 'm' or 'm:ss', up to 99:59. Occurs if the wrong time format is used. Check the time format specified in the fields like Start Time, End Time, Service Time.
Use only permitted characters in the 'Last name' field, i.e., all characters except $ { } ; : " [ ] \ and =. Please correct and try again. Occurs if the uploaded file contains invalid characters in the Last Name field. See CSV and XLSX Format Guide for details.
Make sure the order record doesn't contain any Unicode characters in the range U+2000 – U+206F. General Punctuation is a Unicode block containing punctuation, spacing, and formatting characters for use with all scripts and writing systems. Included are the defined-width spaces, joining formats, directional formats, smart quotes, archaic and novel punctuation such as the interrobang, and invisible mathematical operators.
There are open double quotation marks (") in a string or strings. Change them to single quotation marks ('), or nest the whole string containing double quotation marks in single quotation marks (for example, change apple"pear to 'apple"pear'). Occurs when some data in a comma-separated value database have double quote marks that are not paired.
The file includes multiple timezones for an order. There can be only one timezone per order (pickup and delivery). Occurs when an order has so different locations for pickup and delivery so the timezones are not equal and this order can not be processed.
Time window start time is after the end time. Occurs when the provided job time window start time is after the time window's end time. Check the Start Time and End Time fields and try again.

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