Working with Orders

Via Orders List

Switch view

By default, orders in the list show more information, namely:

  • ID
  • Address
  • Recipient name
  • Time window

    This can be reduced to display only the Recipient name and Time window by clicking the three-dot icon at the top and choosing Switch view. Do the same to switch back to the default view.

    Note that if Address or Recipient name were not specified in the Order, then this information will be missing from this view. Such orders will be marked with a yellow dot in the list and with an exclamation mark on the map. It is suggested for drivers to see the package itself for the missing information.

    Filter orders

    Filter by status

    Filtering orders is useful during the route planning phase. By default, all orders are set to Open when uploaded to HERE Last Mile. Thereafter, they go through various stages:

  • All - show orders of all statuses

  • Open - the order is not assigned to any route, ready for optimization - initial state of an order
  • Processing - the order status not defined yet as it is being processed at the moment
  • Scheduled - an optimized order assigned to a planned route, but not accepted by a driver, which means all activities related to scheduled order are in planned state
  • Accepted - order accepted by a driver, a driver has confirmed that will perform the task
  • In progress - the order that has at least one of related activities in progress, meaning theat the driver is currently working on it
  • Done - the order was successfully completed
  • Not possible - the order cannot be completed
  • Returned - the order was returned

    To filter the orders by status, click Show to the upper left and select the desired status from the drop-down to show only orders of that status.

    Filter by area (postcode)

    You may wish to plan orders in batches by area. Currently, this includes postcode. Use the search box at the top of the order list to type in one or more postcodes. Select from the drop-down list that shows the matching postcode for which orders exist. The orders in the list below are filtered accordingly and may be bulk selected for planning together.

    Select orders

  • Select individual orders by checking the box next to the ID.

  • Select multiple orders by clicking one order, holding SHIFT on your keyboard and clicking another order further down to select anything in between.
  • Select all orders by hovering over the Orders: (number) | Selected: (number) at the top of the list and checking the box that appears.


    Selecting any order on the list also highlights it on the map. The reverse is also true. Selecting an order on the map adds it to the existing selected orders. See also select orders via the map.

    Edit orders

  • Edit individual orders by clicking anywhere on the Order’s information directly in the Orders list, for example on the address. Click Edit at the top right of the Order details form to edit the following details:

    • Depot
    • Demand
    • Order tags
    • Date
    • Task details


    Order ID, task type and geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) cannot be changed. You may edit the address, and the coordinates automatically adjust.

  • Bulk edit more than one order by selecting them first and then clicking the three-dot icon at the top and clicking Edit selected. For bulk edits, you may change the following details:

    • Depot
    • Date
    • Order tags
    • Service Time
    • Time Window

    For example, several orders that could not be delivered need to be moved to the following day at the end of the day. Select these and move in one step to the new date.


    Maximum 100 orders can be edited at a time, unless the orders are already associated with a depot. In which case, the limit rises to 1500. By default, the date field is set to 'Today', so that it is easy to move orders to today's date. Please change this field in case you do not wish to change the dates of the selected orders.

    Delete orders

  • Delete individual orders by hovering over the order and clicking on the rubbish bin icon that appears.

  • Bulk delete more than one order by selecting them first and then click the three-dot icon at the top and choose Delete selected.

    Via the Map

    Select orders

    Use the selective cursor mode from the map controls to the right to select the orders on the map.


  • Select an individual order by clicking its icon on the map. The clicked order and any nearby orders are selected. Any previous orders selected are replaced by the new selection. If a pickup order is selected, its corresponding delivery is also selected and vice versa.
  • Add more orders to a current selection by holding Shift on your keyboard and clicking the order icons one by one.
  • Deselect an individual order by holding Shift on your keyboard and clicking the order icon on the map.


  • Select all orders in an area by clicking once anywhere on the map and clicking anywhere else. A virtual rectangle displays on the map between those points and all orders in that area are selected. Any previous orders selected are replaced by the new selection.
  • Add more groups of orders when there are already some selected, by holding Shift on your keyboard whilst selecting the group as above.
  • Select or deselect individual orders from a group by holding Shift on your keyboard and clicking the order icons one by one.

    For more information on the map in general, see also Using the Map section.

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