Decoded tile data

After you create the DataStoreClient instance and add the OCM catalog, you can request decoded map data for a specific tile. The data is synchronously passed to you via a callback.

Note: Downloading and decoding of the tile data happens synchronously. It is strongly recommended not to do any time-consuming operations inside the callback. As the data may change or expire at any time, it is not recommended to store references to the ClientMapTile or ClientMapTiles instances outside the callback.

In this section, learn how to:

Get decoded tile data from one catalog

You can get decoded map data for a specific tile from a catalog defined by CatalogHandle.


const auto tile_key = olp::geo::TileKey::FromRowColumnLevel( 6486, 8801, 14 );

clientmap::decoder::LayerPtr< const clientmap::decoder::RoadNameLayer >

clientmap::decoder::LayerConfigurationPtr road_name_layer_configuration;

auto callback =
    [&]( const olp::clientmap::datastore::ClientMapTile& tile ) {
        road_name_layer = tile.road_name_layer;
        road_name_layer_configuration = tile.road_name_layer_configuration;

const auto error = client.Load(
    olp::clientmap::datastore::TileRequest( )
        .WithTileKey( tile_key )
        .WithLayerGroup( clientmap::layergroup::kRendering ),
    std::move( callback ) );

In the example above, the following objects and parameters are used:

  • client – the previously created DataStoreClient instance.
  • catalog_handle – the handle of the added catalog.
  • tile_key – the key of the tile for which the data is requested.
  • kRendering – the name of the layer group from which the data is requested.
  • tile – the ClientMapTile instance that contains the decoded tile data from the specified catalog.
  • road_name_layer – the layer data that is requested.
  • road_name_layer_configuration – the configuration of the layer that is requested.

Check if the Load operation is successful.


if ( error != olp::clientmap::datastore::Error::kNone )
    LOG_ERROR( "Failed to load decoded data" );

If the Load operation is unsuccessful, check if the error is retryable. Retryable errors are temporary and are likely to disappear if the Load operation is repeated.


if ( olp::clientmap::datastore::IsRetryable( error ) )
    LOG_INFO( "The Load operation can be repeated" );

Get decoded tile data from all catalogs

You can get decoded map data for a specific tile from all successfully added catalogs.


const auto tile_key = olp::geo::TileKey::FromRowColumnLevel( 6486, 8801, 14 );

clientmap::decoder::LayerPtr< const clientmap::decoder::RoadNameLayer >

clientmap::decoder::LayerConfigurationPtr road_name_layer_configuration;

auto callback =
    [&]( const olp::clientmap::datastore::ClientMapTiles& catalog_tiles ) {
        const auto& tile = catalog_tiles[ catalog_handle ];
        road_name_layer = tile.road_name_layer;
        road_name_layer_configuration = tile.road_name_layer_configuration;

const auto error
    = client.Load( olp::clientmap::datastore::TileRequest( )
                       .WithTileKey( tile_key )
                       .WithLayerGroup( clientmap::layergroup::kRendering ),
                   std::move( callback ) );

In the example above, the following objects and parameters are used:

  • client – the previously created DataStoreClient instance.
  • tile_key – the key of the tile for which the data is requested.
  • kRendering – the name of the layer group from which the data is requested.
  • catalog_tilesstd::vector of the ClientMapTile structures that contain the decoded tile data from all successfully added catalogs.
  • catalog_handle – the handle of the added catalog.
  • tile – the ClientMapTile instance that contains the decoded tile data from the specified catalog.
  • road_name_layer – the layer data that is requested.
  • road_name_layer_configuration – the configuration of the layer that is requested.

Specify the layers to decode

To specify the layers that you want to decode, use the WithLayers or WithLayer method of the TileRequest class.

Note: It is always recommended to specify the layers that you want to decode.


const olp::clientmap::datastore::TileRequest::Layers layers{

const auto error = client.Load(
    olp::clientmap::datastore::TileRequest( )
        .WithTileKey( tile_key )
        .WithLayerGroup( clientmap::layergroup::kRendering )
        .WithLayers( layers ),
    std::move( callback ) );

In the example above, the following objects and parameters are used:

  • tile_key – the key of the tile for which the data is requested.
  • kRendering – the name of the layer group from which the data is requested.
  • kRoadGeometryLayerName and kRoadNameLayerName – the names of the layers that you want to decode.
  • callback – the callback that passes the tile data to the user.

Download and decode data asynchronously

To download and decode tile data asynchronously and get it from the memory tile cache when the data is ready, use the TryLoad method of the DataStoreClient class.


const auto error
    = client.TryLoad( olp::clientmap::datastore::TileRequest( )
                          .WithTileKey( tile_key )
                          .WithLayerGroup( clientmap::layergroup::kRendering )
                          .WithLayers( layers ),
                      std::move( callback ) );

if ( error == olp::clientmap::datastore::Error::kNotReady )
    LOG_INFO( "The data is being downloaded and decoded in the background" );
else if ( error == olp::clientmap::datastore::Error::kNone )
        "The decoded data is retrieved from the memory tile cache and passed "
        "to the user via the callback" );
    LOG_ERROR( "Failed to get the decoded tile data" );

In the example above, the following objects and parameters are used:

  • tile_key – the key of the tile for which the data is requested.
  • kRendering – the name of the layer group from which the data is requested.
  • layers – the names of the layers that you want to decode.
  • callback – the callback that passes the tile data to the user.

Access decoded layer data

To access decoded layer data:

  1. Copy the fields of the corresponding ClientMapTile structure.


     clientmap::decoder::LayerPtr< const clientmap::decoder::RoadNameLayer >
     auto callback =
         [&]( const olp::clientmap::datastore::ClientMapTiles& catalog_tiles ) {
             const auto& tile = catalog_tiles[ catalog_handle ];
             road_name_layer = tile.road_name_layer;

    In the example above, catalog_handle is the handle of the added catalog.

  2. Check if the layer data is present and decoded successfully.


     if ( !road_name_layer )
         LOG_ERROR( "RoadNameLayer is not present for the requested tile" );
  3. If the layer data is present and decoded successfully, to access the data, use the corresponding LayerPtr instance.


     const auto roads_size = road_name_layer->roads_size( );

Access layer configurations

To access layer configurations:

  1. Copy the fields of the corresponding ClientMapTile structure.


     clientmap::decoder::LayerConfigurationPtr road_name_layer_configuration;
     auto callback =
         [&]( const olp::clientmap::datastore::ClientMapTiles& catalog_tiles ) {
             const auto& tile = catalog_tiles[ catalog_handle ];
             road_name_layer_configuration = tile.road_name_layer_configuration;

    In the example above, catalog_handle is the handle of the added catalog.

  2. Check if the layer is present in the catalog.


     if ( !road_name_layer_configuration )
         LOG_ERROR( "RoadNameLayer is not present in the catalog" );
  3. If the layer is present, to access the layer configuration, use the corresponding LayerConfigurationPtr instance.


     const auto world_coordinate_bits
         = road_name_layer_configuration->world_coordinate_bits( );

Cache decoded map data

Decoded map data is cached internally by every DataStoreClient instance. For every tile, the DataStoreClient instance stores the decoded map data from every requested layer group. The data is evicted from the cache using the least recently used (LRU) principle.

To set the maximum number of ClientMapTiles instances that can be stored in the memory cache of the DataStoreClient instance, use the cache_size field of the DataStoreClientSettings structure.

If cache_size is not set explicitly, 32 ClientMapTiles instances are stored in the cache by default.

Note: You cannot change the size of the cache once a DataStoreClient instance is created.


olp::clientmap::datastore::DataStoreClientSettings client_settings;
client_settings.cache_size = 64u;
olp::clientmap::datastore::DataStoreClient client( client_settings );

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