Obtain assets with LoadAssets API

To refer to assets, OCM uses ResourceID with the <ocm-layer>/<tile>/<file-name> formatting.

Example of loading assets by using ResourceID:

    std::mutex single_callback_mutex;
    auto single_resource_callback = [&](const AssetPayload& asset_payload ) mutable {
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock( single_callback_mutex );
        std::cout << "single_resource_callback for " << asset_payload.ResourceId( ) << std::endl;
        // asset content is in the asset_payload.Data()

    std::promise< bool > overall_callback_promise;
    auto overall_callback = [&overall_callback_promise]( AssetsResultResponse callback_response ) {
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << "LoadAssets overall_callback" << std::endl;
        msg << "\tcallback_response: " << ToString( callback_response.GetError( ) ) << std::endl;
        if ( callback_response.IsSuccessful( ) )
            msg << "\tDownloaded:" << std::endl;
            const auto& downloaded = callback_response.GetResult( ).GetSuccessfulResources( );
                downloaded.cbegin( ), downloaded.cend( ),
                [&msg]( const ResourceId& item ) { msg << "\t - " << item << std::endl; } );
            msg << "\tFailed:" << std::endl;
            const auto& failed = callback_response.GetResult( ).GetFailedResources( );
            std::for_each( failed.cbegin( ), failed.cend( ), [&msg]( const ResourceId& item ) {
                msg << "\t - " << item << std::endl;
            } );
        std::cout << msg.str( );
        overall_callback_promise.set_value( true );

    const ResourceIdDefaultParser id_parser;
    const ResourcePaths resource_paths{
        id_parser( "JunctionViewAssetFutureDay_3x4-2/17/JV_HORIZON_FUTURISTIC_DAY_CITYSKYLINE.png" ),
        id_parser( "JunctionViewAssetFutureDay_3x4-2/18/JV_SKY_FUTURISTIC_DAY.jpg" ),
        id_parser( "JunctionViewAssetFutureDay_3x4-2/22/JV_TERRAIN_FUTURISTIC_DAY_GREEN.png" ),

    const auto kTimeOut = std::chrono::seconds( 60 );

    const auto token_result
        = server->LoadAssets( catalog_handle, AssetsRequest( ).WithResources( resource_paths ),
                              single_resource_callback, overall_callback );

    auto overall_callback_future = overall_callback_promise.get_future( );

    if ( token_result.IsSuccessful( ) )
        const auto overall_callback_future_status = overall_callback_future.wait_for( kTimeOut );
        if ( overall_callback_future_status == std::future_status::ready )
            const auto result = overall_callback_future.get( );
        std::cout << "LoadAssets returned error: " << ToString( token_result.GetError( ) )
                  << std::endl;

Note: Single asset callback can be called from different threads. Please ensure that the callback is thread-safe.

Example of how to obtain junction-view ResourceID

In the Navigation layer group, you can get the asset ResourceID related to the tile or position from the dedicated layer. The first-level asset can contain more ResourceIDs for further assembling.

Example of how to generate the junction-view ResourceID:

GetSvgzLocation( DataStoreClient& client,
                 CatalogHandle catalog_handle,
                 const TileKey& tile_key,
                 std::string& svgz_location )
    const auto layer_group = clientmap::layergroup::kNavigation;
    const olp::clientmap::datastore::TileRequest::Layers layers{

    ClientMapTile client_map_tile;

    auto single_tile_callback = [&client_map_tile]( const ClientMapTile& tile ) {
        if (::clientmap::decoder::IsValid( tile ) )
            client_map_tile = tile;

    // Obtain tile where real junction is
    const auto error = client.Load( catalog_handle,
                                    olp::clientmap::datastore::TileRequest( )
                                        .WithTileKey( tile_key )
                                        .WithLayerGroup( std::string( layer_group ) )
                                        .WithLayers( layers )
                                        .WithFetchOption( FetchOptions::OnlineIfNotFound ),
                                    std::move( single_tile_callback ) );

    // Got junction view mapped from .proto file
    const auto segment_offsets_size = client_map_tile.junction_view_layer->segment_offsets_size( );
    for ( uint32_t index = 0; index < segment_offsets_size; ++index )
        const auto& segment_data = client_map_tile.junction_view_layer->segment_offsets( index );

        const auto& map_junction_view_destinations = segment_data.destinations( );
        for ( const auto& map_destination : map_junction_view_destinations )
            if ( map_destination.has_junction_view_file( ) )
                const auto host_tile_id = map_destination.junction_view_file( ).host_tile_id( );
                const std::string& file_name = map_destination.junction_view_file( ).file_name( );

                svgz_location = BuildResourceId(
                    kJunctionViewFileLayerName, kJunctionViewTheme, kJunctionViewAspectRatio,
                    TileKey::FromQuadKey64( host_tile_id ), file_name );

                // There could be several junction views in the tile, just taking the 1st one.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""