Flexible mode

Summary of capabilities and limitations for this mode:
+ Custom options
+ Time Awareness (including Live Traffic)
+ Unlimited Region
- Limited Matrix Size

Given a list of origins and a list of destinations, the service computes the shortest travel times or distances between every pair of origin and destination. These results make up the entries of the routing matrix.

Size limitations

In order to provide support for custom routing options, time awareness, and routes of arbitrary length, Flexible Mode cannot benefit from the optimizations that give Region and Profile modes their high performance. Due to this performance limitation, Flexible Mode requests are limited to:

  • at most 15 origins and 100 destinations (15 x 100)
  • or at most 100 origins and 1 destination (100 x 1)


While the service attempts to calculate any request that meets the above size limitations, it may fail to complete some synchronous requests within the time limit. For example, larger matrices, or longer routes, or routes in denser road networks, all require more computation.

In case your synchronous request times out, try one of the following:

The Matrix Routing service utilizes Flexible mode when your request meets these two conditions:

  • region definition type = world
  • no profile parameter

The service applies live and historical traffic information unless explicitly disabled by setting departureTime to the special value any.

For a tutorial on how to formulate a request, see Calculate in Flexible mode.

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