Known Issues

The following list contains known issues in the current release.

  • ApiKey authentication issues
    When a request is made to fetch the matrix status (using the GET method /matrix/<id>/status), upon success the server sends a 303 response redirecting the client to the matrix result. If the client is using the ApiKey authentication method, and is not configured to forward the apikey parameter when redirecting, the redirect will result in an authentication error. To work around this issue, either configure the client to forward the apikey when redirecting, or disable redirects when making status requests, and append the apikey parameter to the resultUrl provided in the status response.

  • Bearer authentication issues
    When a request is made to fetch the matrix result (using the GET method /matrix/<id>), upon success the server sends a 303 response redirecting the client to a self-signed URL of an AWS S3 resource containing the matrix result. If the client is using Bearer authentication, and the client forwards the authentication header to the AWS URL, AWS will respond with an error. To work around this issue, configure the client to not forward authentication headers when redirecting to a different host. Unfortunately some clients (e.g., browsers) may not offer such a configuration.

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