Apply an Effect Code Filter for Incidents

An effect code defines the impairment caused by an incident. The effectCode is represented by an integer value from 1 to 7. The table below lists the available codes.

Effect Code Meaning
1 traffic flow unknown
2 free traffic flow
3 heavy traffic flow
4 slow traffic flow
5 queuing traffic flow
6 stationary traffic flow
7 no traffic flow

To request data for a specific effect code, use a JSON query with the desired effect code for which you want to request data.

{"effectCode": <value>}

You may also provide a comma separated list of effect codes.

{"effectCode": [<value1>, <value2>,...]}

When requesting incidents, make sure to include the "incident" element in your JSON query:

  { "incident": {"effectCode": [<value1>, <value2>, ...]}}

Send an HTTP POST request to the DATEX II incident endpoint with your JSON data in the POST body:

For an example of how to use an "effectCodes" in a request to the Traffic Data Service, see Traffic Incidents That Cause Stationary Or Blocked Traffic In DATEX II.

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