Example Traffic Flow DATEX II Response

This section breaks down the DATEX II Flow XML Response. The Traffic Flow Response is a DATEX II Class B Extension. This extension is still compatible with the non- extended version of DATEX II (Class A). Therefore, for ElaboratedData (Flow), we have extended the TravelTimeData class to support AverageSpeed, Traffic Status (Level of Service), Jam Factor and Flow Sub-Sections and lane-level traffic. We created a new class TravelTimeSection to represent Flow Sections, which is used by our extended class TravelTimeDataExtended. We created the class LaneInfo to represent lane-level traffic. For an in-depth explanation of DATEX II Class B Extensions, see the DATEX II Extension Guide.

This response contains the following high level elements

  • a timestamp of the obtained traffic data
  • an <ElaboratedData> element that contains the OpenLR data and other details

Example XML Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<d2LogicalModel xmlns="http://datex2.eu/schema/2/2_0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" modelBaseVersion="2" xsi:schemaLocation="http://datex2.eu/schema/2/2_3/DATEXIISchema_2_2_3.xsd">
         <nationalIdentifier />
   <payloadPublication lang="en" xsi:type="ElaboratedDataPublication">
         <nationalIdentifier />
         <basicData xsi:type="TravelTimeData">
            <pertinentLocation xsi:type="Linear">

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