Using the Web Portal for Pipelines

Many pipeline tasks can be executed from the HERE platform portal's GUI. These tasks fall within four categories:

  • Pipeline Deployment
  • Running a Pipeline
  • Monitoring a Pipeline
  • Managing Pipelines

Each of these pipeline tasks is examined on the following pages.

Landing Page

You must have HERE platform credentials to use the HERE platform portal. Log in to . You will see the home page shown in Figure 1.

screen capture of portal landing page
Figure 1. HERE Portal Landing Page

You can follow many functional paths from the landing page. Usually, you will click on the application icon to open the Launcher. This is a menu of the major functional areas of the HERE platform (see Figure 2).

screen capture of portal landing page with Launcher menu
Figure 2. HERE Portal Launcher

Note: Support

To get information about Support, including access to Documentation, Code Examples and the current system status, click on the support icon to open the support menu, as shown here.
screen capture of support menu on landing page

Click on the Pipelines menu item in the Launcher and you will find yourself on the opening landing page for pipelines.

New User Navigation Options

screen capture of pipelines display with no pipelines
Figure 3. New User Pipeline Display

If you are a new user to the HERE platform or you are starting a new group, click on the Pipelines menu item in the Launcher to display where your deployed pipelines would be listed (see Figure 3). If there are no deployed pipelines listed, you may Add new pipeline. Click this button to open the dialog shown in Figure 4.

screenshot of Add New Pipeline Page
Figure 4. New User, Add a Pipeline

The Pipeline Name should be meaningful to you because, in most cases, this is how you will recognize your pipeline. The description is optional, but you are advised to include enough information here so that the purpose of this pipeline deployment is understood by someone else who encounters it. Your Group name is important because this establishes the group ownership of the deployed pipeline for security purposes. And the Notification Email is used to send any notices to you or your team when something goes wrong with the system. It is suggested that you use a team email address so that email notifications are not overlooked because someone is out of the office for some reason.

Caution: Creation vs. Deployment

Because the dialog box in Figure 4 is titled "Create a pipeline," you might think that this is the first step to creating a new pipeline application. That is not the case. This is simply the first step in deploying a pipeline that has already been "created." The deployment process is explained in detail in Pipeline Lifecycle.

Returning User Navigational Options

If you already have deployed pipelines, the Pipelines screen will list all of the pipelines you have deployed. You can select any of the pipelines in the list by clicking on the name of that pipeline. This will present you with many potential actions to select from. Or, you can deploy a new pipeline by clicking the Add new pipeline button at the top right corner of the page, which opens the dialog shown in Figure 4.

Returning user with deployed pipelines
Figure 5. Returning User, Pipelines Deployed

If you look at any pipeline on your list, Figure 5 shows you the kind of information available.

Typical pipeline listing and available options
Figure 6. Typical Pipeline Listing

Click on the listing (as shown above) to display a detail page where you can manipulate the pipeline. This is discussed in detail in Running a Pipeline.

Managing Pipeline Listings

Your list of pipelines can get to be quite long. To easily locate a specific pipeline, you have three functions available for controlling the listing: sorting, filtering and searching.


Sorting is done based on either Pipeline Name or Date.


Filtering is done by selecting filtering criteria to be applied to the list. Choose one or more of the drop-downs and select the desired filtering parameters. There are three categories of filtering parameters:

  • Pipeline Status
  • Pipeline Type
  • Tags

Filtering is done automatically as each criteria is selected. Individual parameters can be deleted by clicking the "X" beside the parameter name. Or use the Clear All button to dismiss all parameters and start over.

Sample screen showing controls used to sort a pipeline listing
Figure 7. Sorting a Pipeline Listing


Enter specific search terms in the search field. Click the "X" at the right side of the search field to clear the search entry and start a new search. Press Return to initiate the search.

Sample screen showing a search request for a pipeline by name
Figure 8. Searching for a Pipeline

User Details

You may notice that there is a small box that appears at the lower right corner of the platform portal screen as shown below.

screen capture of user details block
Figure 9. User Details Block

Click on the caret icon to open the user detail block and display the logged in user's identifying details. Information includes the user's email address, HERE ID, Access Token, and Rhelm.

screen capture of the opened user details box
Figure 10. Open User Details Block

Click the caret icon again to close the User Detail Block.

See Also

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