HERE Data SDK for Python - Core

The Data SDK for Python - Core module enables exploration of the platform data in your own environment using Python. Use this SDK as a library or module in your Python application to interact with the platform. It also includes helpers to access other useful HERE services, such as HERE Location Services.

The Data SDK for Python - Core module is delivered using Pip as well as Conda, a package management service that makes it easy to find, access, store and share public notebooks, environments, and conda and PyPI packages. Conda is a popular tool among Python data workers because it makes it easy for them to stay current with updates made to their various environments and packages. It also allows users to switch between environments without affecting the delicate compatibility of each environment's dependencies.

Pip Installation


To install the module, use the following command:

This command will install the latest version of the SDK - Core module in the current environment.

pip install --extra-index-url here-nagini==1.12


  • If you have errors related with GDAL or geopandas dependency on Windows, when installing the core pip package, follow these steps.
  • If you have errors related with Microsoft Visual C++ build tools, follow these steps.

Conda Installation



After installing conda for the first time, restart your terminal before executing any conda command. This is to avoid a common issue where conda command is not recognized the first time.

To install the module, use the following command:

This command will install the latest version of the SDK - Core module in the current conda environment.

conda install -c conda-forge -c here-nagini=1.12

Verify Installation

Execute the below command to verify the core module installation:

python -c "import nagini"

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