Update to Latest Data SDK for Python

Data SDK for Python - Analytics

To begin, download the installation script.

Updating the Data SDK for Python - Analytics

To update to the latest version of the SDK, use the below command and replace <env_name> with the environment name to be updated.

python sdk_setup.py -u -n <env_name>

To update to a specific version of the SDK use the below command and replace <sdk_version> with SDK version to which conda environment is to be updated, and replace <env_name> with the environment name to be updated.

python sdk_setup.py -u <sdk_version> -n <env_name>


  • If you have errors related with python-geohash dependency when creating the conda environment, follow these steps.

The above command will update the packages in the specified conda environment.

Docker Image

To update the Docker image to the latest version of the Data SDK for Python, follow the steps described in the Build Your Own Docker section.

Thank you for choosing the HERE Data SDK for Python. After the setup, kindly consider filling out this short 1-minute survey to help us improve the setup experience.

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