
The OLP CLI supports the following functionality for device account management:

Devices are created as part of the token exchange. There is no separate command for device creation.

device show

Shows the details of a device account.

olp device show <device HRN>

Required parameters:

  • <device HRN> The HRN of the device account to show.

Optional parameters:

  • --credentials <path to credentials file> The name of a credentials file to use with the command. Credentials files are downloaded separately from the HERE platform portal.
  • --profile <profile name> The name of the credentials profile to use from the olpcli.ini file.
  • --quiet Displays the device name.
  • --json Displays the command result in JSON format.

For more information on using credentials and profiles, see Credentials setup.


The command below shows the details of a device account:

olp device show hrn:here-cn:account::org:device/my-device-1234


Details of the device:
id                       my-device-1234
hrn                      hrn:here-cn:account::org:device/my-device-1234
realm                    hrn:here-cn:account::org:realm/org
project                  hrn:here-cn:authorization::org:project/my-project-1234
identityProvider         hrn:here-cn:account::org:identityProvider/my-provider-1234
externalId               A-S0001234
enabled                  true

device update

Updates a device account.

olp device update <device HRN> [command options]

Required parameters:

  • <device HRN> The HRN of the device account to update.
  • --enabled <true|false> Enables or disables the device.

Optional parameters:

  • --credentials <path to credentials file> The name of a credentials file to use with the command. Credentials files are downloaded separately from the HERE platform portal.
  • --profile <profile name> The name of the credentials profile to use from the olpcli.ini file.
  • --quiet Displays empty output with no additional information.


To update a device, the caller must be a resource manager of their organization.

For more information on using credentials and profiles, see Credentials setup.


The command below disables the device account:

olp device update hrn:here-cn:account::org:device/my-device-1234 --enabled false


Device account hrn:here-cn:account::org:device/my-device-1234 has been updated

device find

Finds device details by the external ID and provider HRN.

olp device find --provider <provider HRN> --external-id <external ID>

Required parameters:

  • --provider <provider HRN> HRN of the identity provider. Must be used together with the --external-id parameter.
  • --external-id <external ID> Identifier of the device in the identity provider. Must be used together with the --provider parameter.

Optional parameters:

  • --credentials <path to credentials file> The name of a credentials file to use with the command. Credentials files are downloaded separately from the HERE platform portal.
  • --profile <profile name> The name of the credentials profile to use from the olpcli.ini file.
  • --json Displays the command result in JSON format.
  • --quiet Displays the device HRN.

For more information on using credentials and profiles, see Credentials setup.


The command below fetches the device account details matching the provided external-id and provider:

olp device find --provider hrn:here-cn:account::org:identityProvider/my-provider-1234 --external-id A-S0001234


Details of the device:
id                       my-device-1234
hrn                      hrn:here-cn:account::org:device/my-device-1234
realm                    hrn:here-cn:account::org:realm/org
project                  hrn:here-cn:authorization::org:project/my-project-1234
identityProvider         hrn:here-cn:account::org:identityProvider/my-provider-1234
externalId               A-S0001234
enabled                  true

device delete

Deletes a device account.

olp device delete <device HRN>

Required parameters:

  • <device HRN> The HRN of the device account to delete.

Optional parameters:

  • --credentials <path to credentials file> The name of a credentials file to use with the command. Credentials files are downloaded separately from the HERE platform portal.
  • --profile <profile name> The name of the credentials profile to use from the olpcli.ini file.
  • --quiet Displays empty output with no additional information.


To delete a device, the caller must be a resource manager of their organization.

For more information on using credentials and profiles, see Credentials setup.


The command below deletes the device account:

olp device delete hrn:here-cn:account::org:device/my-device-1234


Device account hrn:here-cn:account::org:device/my-device-1234 has been deleted

results matching ""

    No results matching ""