group admin

The OLP CLI supports the following:

group admin add

Adds administrators to a group.

olp group admin add <group ID> [command options]

Required parameters:

  • <group ID> The ID of the group.
  • Either of the following group members:
    • --app <appID1 appID2 ...> The list of application IDs you want to add to the group as administrators, separated by space.
    • --user <userID1 userID2 ...> The list of user IDs you want to add to the group as administrators, separated by space.

Optional parameters:

  • --credentials <path to credentials file> The name of a credentials file to use with the command. Credentials files are downloaded separately from the platform portal.
  • --profile <profile name> The name of the credentials profile to use from the olpcli.ini file.
  • --quiet Displays empty output with no additional information.


olp group admin add GROUP-859ddd60-78f2-4ad2-865d-7351b01ff008 \
   --app F9p0HU3qCqtxnZ3KnH4z --user HERE-05966c89-aaf1-4ae2-b0e4-3676b3f8b8c3
olp group admin add GROUP-859ddd60-78f2-4ad2-865d-7351b01ff008 ^
   --app F9p0HU3qCqtxnZ3KnH4z --user HERE-05966c89-aaf1-4ae2-b0e4-3676b3f8b8c3

group admin list

Retrieves all administrators of a group.

olp group admin list <group ID> [command options]

Required parameters:

  • <group ID> The ID of the group.

Optional parameters:

  • --type <user|app> The type of group administrators to list. If the parameter is omitted, all group administrators are displayed.
  • --credentials <path to credentials file> The name of a credentials file to use with the command. Credentials files are downloaded separately from the platform portal.
  • --profile <profile name> The name of the credentials profile to use from the olpcli.ini file.
  • --json Displays the command result in JSON format.
  • --quiet Displays administrators' HRNs, each on a new line.

For more information on using credentials and profiles, see Credentials setup.


olp group admin list

group admin remove

Removes an administrator from a group.

olp group admin remove <group ID> [command options]

Required parameters:

  • <group ID> The ID of the group.
  • Either of the following group members:
    • --app <appID1 appID2 ...> The list of application IDs you want to remove from a group of administrators, separated by space.
    • --user <userID1 userID2 ...> The list of user IDs you want to remove from a group administrators, separated by space.

Optional parameters:

  • --credentials <path to credentials file> The name of a credentials file to use with the command. Credentials files are downloaded separately from the platform portal.
  • --membership Remove a membership from a group. By default, membership is preserved.
  • --profile <profile name> The name of the credentials profile to use from the olpcli.ini file.
  • --quiet Displays empty output with no additional information.


olp group admin remove GROUP-859ddd60-78f2-4ad2-865d-7351b01ff008 \
   --app F9p0HU3qCqtxnZ3KnH4z --user HERE-05966c89-aaf1-4ae2-b0e4-3676b3f8b8c3
olp group admin remove GROUP-859ddd60-78f2-4ad2-865d-7351b01ff008 ^
   --app F9p0HU3qCqtxnZ3KnH4z --user HERE-05966c89-aaf1-4ae2-b0e4-3676b3f8b8c3

results matching ""

    No results matching ""