local catalog copy

The OLP CLI supports the following:

local catalog copy create

Creates a local catalog by copying the configuration and data from a catalog hosted on the platform. Data is typically filtered to create smaller copies suitable for local development and testing.

olp local catalog copy create <catalog HRN> [command options]

Required parameters:

  • <catalog HRN> The HRN of the catalog to copy.

Optional parameters:

  • --configuration-only Copies the catalog configuration but leaves the local catalog empty.
  • --copy-schemas Downloads the schema bundles locally. This is useful for offline inspection.
  • --include <layer wildcard> [<layer wildcard 2> ...] Specifies a subset of layers you want to copy. By default all layers are copied. Special wildcards can be used to indicate all layers with a given layer type and/or partitioning scheme:
    • layer ID, for example: topology-geometry
    • [layer-type:partitioning-scheme], for example: [versioned:heretile]
    • [layer-type], for example: [stream]
    • [partitioning-scheme], for example: [generic]
  • --exclude <layer wildcard> [<layer wildcard 2> ...] Specifies the layers that should not be copied. This is typically used instead of --include to copy all but some layers. Wildcards are supported.
  • --filter <layer wildcard>=<filter-name>:<filter-configuration> [<layer wildcard 2>=<filter-name>:<filter-configuration> ...] Specifies the filtering options to be used when the layer partitions are copied, with the format <layer wildcard>=<filter-name>:<filter-configuration>. The following filters are supported:
    • list:<partition1>,<partition2>,..., for example: layer-a=list:a,b,c.
    • regex:<partition-regex>, for example: layer-b=regex:^20147700.
    • bounding-box:<north>,<south>,<east>,<west>[:<tilelevel1>,<tilelevel2>,...[:<heretile|mercator|nds|mos|native>], for example: [heretile]=bounding-box:52.67551,52.33826,13.76116,13.08835. Tile levels are optional if the layer configuration is configured with the proper tile levels (HERE Tile layers only). The tiling scheme is heretile by default.
    • query:<rsql-query> (index layers only), for example [index]=query:length=gt=100.
    • glob:<glob-pattern>, for example [objectstore]=glob:folder/*.txt.
  • --id <local catalog ID> Specifies the ID of the local catalog. It is the original catalog ID by default.
  • --index-since <timestamp ms> The initial timestamp used to query index layers in milliseconds since the epoch. 0 by default.
  • --minimum-version <catalog version> The first metadata version that should be copied. All catalog versions since that version will be copied. By default it is the value of --version.
  • --version <catalog version> The last metadata version that should be copied. All versions from --minimum-version to --version will be copied. It has no effect if --configuration-only is used. By default it is the latest version of the catalog.
  • --stream-limit <number> Maximum number of partitions to be copied from stream layers.
  • --stream-timeout <timeout s> Timeout in seconds for the copy of stream partitions.
  • --force Force overwriting if the local catalog exists and the copy configuration differs. An existing local copy is always preserved if the copy parameters have not changed.
  • --credentials <path to credentials file> The name of a credentials file to use with the command. Credentials files are downloaded separately from the platform portal.
  • --profile <profile name> The name of the credentials profile to use from the olpcli.ini file.
  • --quiet Displays empty output with no additional information.
  • --scope <project HRN> Specifies the project HRN to use as the scope in the request. The value specified with --scope overrides any value for here.token.scope provided in the credentials file used for the command.

For more information on using credentials and profiles, see Credentials setup.


olp local catalog copy create hrn:here-cn:data::org:catalog-example

Example with custom local catalog ID:

olp local catalog copy create hrn:here-cn:data::org:catalog-example --id copy-of-catalog-example

Example with additional parameters:

olp local catalog copy create hrn:here-cn:data::org:catalog-example \
   --include layer-a layer-b \
   --filter [generic]=list:partition1,partition2 \
olp local catalog copy create hrn:here-cn:data::org:catalog-example ^
   --include layer-a layer-b ^
   --filter [generic]=list:partition1,partition2 ^

local catalog copy update

Updates a local catalog copy by pulling configuration and data changes. The filters setup with olp local catalog copy create are automatically used.

olp local catalog copy update <catalog ID or local catalog HRN> [command options]

Required parameters:

Either the following must be specified:

  • <local catalog ID> The catalog ID of an existing local catalog copy.
  • <local catalog HRN> The local HRN of an existing local catalog copy.

Optional parameters:

  • --configuration-only Copies the catalog configuration but leaves the local catalog empty.
  • --copy-schemas Downloads the schema bundles locally. This is useful for offline inspection.
  • --version <catalog version> The last metadata version that should be copied. All versions from --minimum-version to --version will be copied. It has no effect if --configuration-only is used. By default it is the latest version of the catalog.
  • --stream-limit <number> Maximum number of partitions to be copied from stream layers.
  • --stream-timeout <timeout s> Timeout in seconds for the copy of stream partitions.
  • --credentials <path to credentials file> The name of a credentials file to use with the command. Credentials files are downloaded separately from the platform portal.
  • --profile <profile name> The name of the credentials profile to use from the olpcli.ini file.
  • --quiet Displays empty output with no additional information.
  • --scope <project HRN> Specifies the project HRN to use as the scope in the request. The value specified with --scope overrides any value for here.token.scope provided in the credentials file used for the command.

For more information on using credentials and profiles, see Credentials setup.


olp local catalog copy update hrn:local:data:::catalog-example

Example with additional parameters:

olp local catalog copy update hrn:local:data:::catalog-example --version 10

results matching ""

    No results matching ""