Local data workflows

The OLP CLI supports management of catalogs locally for testing or development purposes. It provides tools for managing local data, such as:

  • List all catalogs to which you have access.
  • Create a new catalog and layer.
  • Upload data to a catalog.
  • Copy a platform-hosted catalog into a local catalog.

For more details, see local catalog commands.


Local catalogs may only be used for development and testing purposes. Running production use cases with local catalogs is not permitted.

List all local catalogs

To list the local catalogs you have in your local machine, enter the olp local catalog list command.

olp local catalog list

The command lists the HRNs of the local catalogs you have, each in a new line.

Create a new local catalog and layer

Follow the steps below to create a new local catalog and layer.

  1. Enter the olp local catalog create command.

    olp local catalog create first-catalog-example-id first-catalog-example \
        --summary "This catalog contains a sample layer containing data in CSV format" \
        --description "A longer description of the catalog contents"
    olp local catalog create first-catalog-example-id first-catalog-example ^
        --summary "This catalog contains a sample layer containing data in CSV format" ^
        --description "A longer description of the catalog contents"
  2. To add a layer to your local catalog, enter the olp local catalog layer add command.

    olp local catalog layer add hrn:local:data:::first-catalog-example-id example-layer-id \
        "Example layer" --versioned --summary "This layer contains simple data in CSV format" \
        --description "A longer description of the layer contents" --content-type=text/csv
    olp local catalog layer add hrn:local:data:::first-catalog-example-id example-layer-id ^
        "Example layer" --versioned --summary "This layer contains simple data in CSV format" ^
        --description "A longer description of the layer contents" --content-type=text/csv
  3. To verify the local catalog configuration, enter the olp local catalog show command.

        olp local catalog show hrn:local:data:::first-catalog-example-id --json

    The command displays the following results.

            "summary": "This catalog contains sample layers containing simple text",
            "owner": {},
            "billingTags": [],
            "hrn": "hrn:local:data:::first-catalog-example-id",
            "created": "2018-03-26T12:48:10.315Z",
            "name": "first-catalog-example",
            "layers": [{
                "summary": "This layer contains simple data in CSV format",
                "volume": {
                     "volumeType": "durable"
                "layerType": "versioned",
                "billingTags": [],
                "name": "Example layer",
                "description": "A longer description of the layer contents",
                "partitioningScheme": "generic",
                "partitioning": {
                     "scheme": "generic"
                "id": "example-layer-id",
                "contentType": "text/csv",
                "tags": []
            "description": "",
            "notifications": {
                "enabled": false
            "id": "first-catalog-example-id",
            "version": -1,
            "tags": []

Upload data to a local catalog

  1. Create a file with the details you want to upload, such as partition-0.csv in the following example.

  2. Enter the olp local catalog layer partition put command.

    olp local catalog layer partition put hrn:local:data:::first-catalog-example-id \
       example-layer-id --partitions testPart0:<path_to_file>/partition-0.csv
    olp local catalog layer partition put hrn:local:data:::first-catalog-example-id ^
       example-layer-id --partitions testPart0:<path_to_file>\partition-0.csv

    The command displays the following result:

    Uploading the files into partitions.
     100% [=======================================] 1/1 (0:00:01 / 0:00:00)
    The data was successfully added to the partitions: [testPart0]
  3. To verify the partition, enter the olp local catalog layer partition list command.

       olp local catalog layer partition list hrn:local:data:::first-catalog-example-id example-layer-id

    The console displays the following text:

    partition           size                checksum
    testPart0           23                  665d2817c51cbccd4312eb22699163c05b9d5a0a
    Total size: 23 B
    Use olp local catalog layer partition get <catalog HRN> <layer ID> to download partitions
  4. To retrieve the partition-0.csv file from the olpcli-example-catalog-id, enter the olp local catalog layer partition get command.

    olp local catalog layer partition get \
       hrn:local:data:::first-catalog-example-id example-layer-id --partitions testPart0
    olp local catalog layer partition get ^
       hrn:local:data:::first-catalog-example-id example-layer-id --partitions testPart0

    The console displays the text stored in the partition-0.csv file:


Copy a platform-hosted catalog into a local catalog

  1. Copy a bounding box around Beijing from the topology-geometry and cartography layers of the HERE Map Content catalog into a local catalog:

    olp local catalog copy create hrn:here-cn:data::olp-cn-here:here-map-content-china-2 \
       --include topology-geometry cartography \
       --filter [heretile]=bounding-box:41.0596,39.4416,117.508,115.4172 \
       --id here-map-content
    olp local catalog copy create hrn:here-cn:data::olp-cn-here:here-map-content-china-2 ^
       --include topology-geometry cartography ^
       --filter [heretile]=bounding-box:41.0596,39.4416,117.508,115.4172 ^
       --id here-map-content

    The console displays the following text:

    state:                              skipped
    history:                            skipped
    address-locations:                  skipped
    building-footprints:                skipped
    3d-buildings:                       skipped
    cartography:                        100% [=====] 44/44 (0:00:01 / 0:00:00)
    administrative-places:              skipped
    road-traffic-pattern-attributes:    skipped
    traffic-patterns:                   skipped
    street-names:                       skipped
    lane-attributes:                    skipped
    address-attributes:                 skipped
    adas-attributes:                    skipped
    road-attributes:                    skipped
    topology-geometry:                  100% [=====] 45/45 (0:00:01 / 0:00:00)
    administrative-locations:           skipped
    navigation-attributes:              skipped
    advanced-navigation-attributes:     skipped
    truck-attributes:                   skipped
    cartography-metadata:               skipped
    building-metadata:                  skipped
    here-places:                        skipped
    places-metadata:                    skipped
    distance-markers:                   skipped
    indexed-locations:                  skipped
    sign-text:                          skipped
    environmental-zones:                skipped
    here-places-essential-map:          skipped
    landmarks-3d:                       skipped
    landmarks-2d:                       skipped
    vehicle-regulations:                skipped
    flag-images:                        skipped
    postal-code-points:                 skipped
    postal-area-boundaries:             skipped
    toll-cost:                          skipped
    electric-vehicle-charging-stations: skipped
    here-truck-service-locations:       skipped
    here-fueling-stations:              skipped
    generalized-junctions-signs:        skipped
    annotations:                        skipped
    bicycle-attributes:                 skipped
    warning-locations:                  skipped
    complex-road-attributes:            skipped
    recreational-vehicle-attributes:    skipped
    administrative-place-profiles:      skipped
    Completed sync up to version 5
    Local catalog hrn:local:data:::here-map-content created
  2. Synchronize an existing local copy with the platform hosted source catalog:

    olp local catalog copy update hrn:local:data:::here-map-content

    The console displays the following text:

    Catalog configuration is up to date
    here-map-content: syncing version 6
    state:                              skipped
    history:                            skipped
    address-locations:                  skipped
    building-footprints:                skipped
    3d-buildings:                       skipped
    cartography:                        100% [=====] 3/3 (0:00:00 / 0:00:00)
    administrative-places:              skipped
    road-traffic-pattern-attributes:    skipped
    traffic-patterns:                   skipped
    street-names:                       skipped
    lane-attributes:                    skipped
    address-attributes:                 skipped
    adas-attributes:                    skipped
    road-attributes:                    skipped
    topology-geometry:                  100% [=====] 9/9 (0:00:00 / 0:00:00)
    administrative-locations:           skipped
    navigation-attributes:              skipped
    advanced-navigation-attributes:     skipped
    truck-attributes:                   skipped
    cartography-metadata:               skipped
    building-metadata:                  skipped
    here-places:                        skipped
    places-metadata:                    skipped
    distance-markers:                   skipped
    indexed-locations:                  skipped
    sign-text:                          skipped
    environmental-zones:                skipped
    here-places-essential-map:          skipped
    landmarks-3d:                       skipped
    landmarks-2d:                       skipped
    vehicle-regulations:                skipped
    flag-images:                        skipped
    postal-code-points:                 skipped
    postal-area-boundaries:             skipped
    toll-cost:                          skipped
    electric-vehicle-charging-stations: skipped
    here-truck-service-locations:       skipped
    here-fueling-stations:              skipped
    generalized-junctions-signs:        skipped
    annotations:                        skipped
    bicycle-attributes:                 skipped
    warning-locations:                  skipped
    complex-road-attributes:            skipped
    recreational-vehicle-attributes:    skipped
    administrative-place-profiles:      skipped
    Completed sync up to version 6

    To get a full list of the available commands, enter olp local --help.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""