App workflows

The HERE platform allows creating apps and managing them with other apps.

Apps access platform data or pipelines through the REST API, CLI, or one of the platform libraries.

For simple and secure authentication of your application with the platform, you can define two sets of credentials per app:

  • Access keys
  • API keys (recommended for web-based apps)

As an app manager, you can enable or disable the app, grant app manager access to other users, apps, and groups, control app credentials, and more.

For more information on apps, see Manage Apps.

The OLP CLI provides tools for managing apps, such as:

For more information, see app commands.

Create a new app

To create and manage apps through the OLP CLI, first allow your app to create new apps:

  • On the HERE platform, navigate to the Apps section, select your app, click More, click the Enable app creation button.

Follow the steps below to create two apps.

  1. Run the olp app create command to create first app.

    olp app create firstApp
  2. Create another app that will be granted manager permissions for the firstApp.

    olp app create managerApp

    To verify that the apps have been created successfully, use the olp app list command.

    olp app list

    The command displays the following results.

        HRN                                                         name
        hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/manager-app-id                            managerApp
        hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/first-app-id                              firstApp
        Use olp app show <app HRN> to display more information about an app


    org is a placeholder for the ID of your organization.

    Save these HRNs to use below.

Show information about the app

To get information about the app, use olp app show.

olp app show hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/manager-app-id

The command displays the following results.

ID                       manager-app-id
name                     managerApp
HRN                      hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/manager-app-id
app creation             disabled
trusted domains          disabled
status                   active

Save ID to use bellow.

Add a manager to the app

Run the olp app manager add command to allow managerApp to manage firstApp.

olp app manager add hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/first-app-id --app manager-app-id


manager-app-id is the ID we saved in the previous step.

The command displays the following results.

Granted manager access for the app manager-app-id to the application hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/first-app-id

Add a domain to the app

To add a domain, use the olp app domain add command.

olp app domain add hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/first-app-id --domain

Trusted domain added to app hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/first-app-id

To add many domains, use the olp app domain add command with the --domain-list parameter. The file file.csv contains the following information:,

olp app domain add hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/first-app-id --domain-list path/to/file.csv

Trusted domains added to hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/first-app-id

Show app domain information

Run the olp app domain show command.

olp app domain show hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/first-app-id

App hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/first-app-id has trusted domain

List app domain information

Run the olp app domain list command.

olp app domain list hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/first-app-id --json

{"trustedDomains": [

Create an access key for the app

To create an access key for the app that will be used further in this workflow, use the olp app access key create command.

olp app key access create hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/manager-app-id >
olp app key access create hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/manager-app-id 1>

The app credentials will be stored in file.

Show information about the access key

To get information about the access key, use the olp access key list command.

olp app key access list hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/manager-app-id --json

The command displays the following results.

{"keys": [{
    "accessKeyId": "access-key-id",
    "clientId": "client-id",
    "accessKeyHrn": "hrn:here-cn:account::org:accesskey/access-key-id",
    "clientHrn": "hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/manager-app-id",
    "createdTime": 1595857224199,
    "enabled": true

Save accessKeyHrn to use bellow.

Update the app using the access key

To update the details of the app, specify the file from the previous chapter.

The command below shows how to change the description of the app through the manager app. To see the update immediately, use the --json flag.

olp app update hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/first-app-id \
    --credentials \
    --description "Updated description for the first app" \
olp app update hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/first-app-id ^
    --credentials ^
    --description "Updated description for the first app" ^

The command displays the following results.

    "trustedDomainsEnabled": false,
    "appCreationEnabled": false,
    "hrn": "hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/first-app-id",
    "appId": "first-app-id",
    "name": "firstApp",
    "description": "Updated description for the first app",
    "status": "active"

Remove the access key

To remove the access key created above, use the olp access key remove command.

olp app key access delete hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/manager-app-id \
olp app key access delete hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/manager-app-id ^


hrn:here-cn:account::org:accesskey/access-key-id is the access key HRN we saved in the previous step.

The command displays the following results.

Access key hrn:here-cn:account::org:accesskey/access-key-id has been deleted

Remove the app manager

To remove the manager from the app, use the olp app manager remove command.

olp app manager remove hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/first-app-id --app manager-app-id

The command displays the following results.

App hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/manager-app-id has been removed as a manager

Delete an app domain

To remove a domain from the app, use the olp app domain delete command with the --domain <domain name> parameter.

olp app domain delete hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/first-app-id --domain

The command displays the following results.

Trusted domain '' deleted from app hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/first-app-id

To remove many domains from the app, use the olp app domain delete command with the --domain-list <path to file> parameter.

olp app domain delete hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/first-app-id --domain-list path/to/file

The command displays the following results.

Trusted domains deleted from app hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/first-app-id

Delete the app

To delete the app, use the olp app delete command.

olp app delete hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/manager-app-id
olp app delete hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/first-app-id

The commands display the following results.

Application hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/manager-app-id has been deleted
Application hrn:here-cn:account::org:app/first-app-id has been deleted

To get a full list of available commands, enter olp app --help.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""