Configure interactive map layer settings

At this time, there is only one layer specific configuration option for interactive map layers. Like all other layer types, you can include general information about the layer like the name, description and regional coverage information if applicable.

Searchable properties

Auto-indexing is configured on by default. Auto-indexing automatically indexes a few select feature properties making it easier to search for and retrieve a specific subset of the data in your layer. Turning auto-indexing off enables you to index a custom set of feature properties to optimize your search results for your use case.

To configure a custom set of properties, turn auto-indexing off and add your custom properties as a list of strings to 'searchableProperties'. Searchable properties can be updated at any time.

It is also possible to both turn auto-indexing off and to not include any custom properties. Doing so would effectively create no index of feature properties. All benefits of easier searching would be voided but you would save storage cost because no index would be stored.

In a layer with less than 10,000 features all properties (including nested properties) are searchable.


To remove a value from the list, you must send an empty list, then update the layer with a list minus the value you want removed.

Some additional fields may be indexed by the system automatically which will not be visible in the 'searchableProperties' list.

The maximum number of searchable properties is eight. This is the maximum number of user-added and automatically indexed properties combined.

Layer versioning

Versioning can be enabled on the interactive map layer and isn't enabled by default. When enabled, the version number automatically increments with each change in layer content. Versioning cannot be disabled after being enabled for an interactive map layer.

Versioning on interactive map layers helps keep track of all modifications done on a layer, and also can be used to retrieve layer data from a specific version.

To enable versioning, set the property "versionsToKeep" under "interactiveMapProperties" to specify the number of versions needed in the layer.The minimum value for "versionsToKeep" is "2" and the maximum value is "1,000,000,000".

Automatic version deletion

Once the "versionsToKeep" value is reached, the oldest version is automatically deleted asynchronously.

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