Delete a catalog

When you delete a catalog, its metadata and all layers are deleted. Before deleting a catalog, consider reviewing the usage information for the catalog to make sure no processes, such as pipelines, depend on the catalog. If you delete a catalog that is used by a process like a pipeline, you will break the process. For information on how to view usage information, see the Metrics and Logs User Guide.

The following procedure deletes a catalog using the config service. For complete information on using the config service, see the API Reference.

To delete a catalog, follow these steps:

  1. Obtain an authorization token. For instructions, see the Identity & Access Management Guide.
  2. Use the API Lookup service to get the API endpoint for the config v1 API of the catalog you want to delete. For instructions, see the API Lookup Developer's Guide.
  3. Delete the catalog using this request:


This request will permanently delete the catalog and all its data. Once the catalog is deleted, you cannot recover it.

  DELETE /<Base path for the config API from the API Lookup Service>/catalogs/<Catalog HRN> HTTP/1.1
  Host: <Hostname for the config API from the API Lookup Service>
  Authorization: Bearer <Authorization Token>
  Cache-Control: no-cache
  1. The request returns 202 Accepted. The body of the response contains the element href which contains a URL where you can get the status of the catalog deletion process. For example:
     "title": "Catalog Deletion",
     "href": "",
     "type": "urn:olp-types:status"
    Use the GET method with the URL in the response to get the status of the deletion. The request returns 202 Accepted and the status is in the response body. For example:
    "status": "pending",
    "steps": [
            "name": "delete_catalog:metadata",
            "state": "Completed"
            "name": "delete_catalog:publishing",
            "state": "Completed"
            "name": "delete_catalog:notifications",
            "state": "Completed"
            "name": "delete_catalog:volumes",
            "state": "In progress"
            "name": "delete_catalog:batches",
            "state": "Not started"
            "name": "delete_catalog:permissions",
            "state": "Not started"
  1. Once the catalog is deleted, the URL will return 200 OK with the response body:
     "status": "success"


It may take several minutes for a deleted catalog to be removed from the list of catalogs returned by the Data Client Library, CLI, REST API, and the list displayed on the HERE platform portal.

For consecutive delete and create requests, the recommendation is to wait 60 seconds due to the eventual consistency nature of the system.

For complete information on using the config service, see the API Reference.

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