Get features by ID

Requesting one feature

GET /<Base path for the interactive API from the API Lookup Service>/layers/{layerId}/features/{featureId}
Host: <Hostname for the interactive API from the API Lookup Service>
Authorization: Bearer <Authorization Token>
Cache-Control: no-cache


You can alternatively use an API Key instead of an OAuth bearer token in an authorization header.


  "type": "Feature",
  "id": "{featureId}",
    "type": "Point",
    "name": "Anfield",
        "amenity": "Football Stadium",
        "capacity": 54074,
        "popupContent": "Home of Liverpool Football Club"

Requesting multiple features


Requesting multiple features will always return a FeatureCollection, even if the request returns only one or no feature.

If you want to get more than one feature, your request has to look like the following.

GET /<Base path for the interactive API from the API Lookup Service>/layers/{layerId}/features?id={featureId1},{featureId2},{featureId3}


    "type": "FeatureCollection",
        "type": "Feature",
          "type": "Point",
           "name": "Anfield",
           "amenity": "Football Stadium",
           "capacity": 54074,
           "popupContent": "Home of Liverpool Football Club"


Another way of requesting multiple ID is the following: ?id={featureId1},id={featureId2},id={featureId3}

Requesting features from version enabled interactive map layer

When using a version enabled interactive map layer, features can be requested by filtering using "version" and/or by "author" of a feature or feature collection.

GET /<Base path for the interactive API from the API Lookup Service>/layers/{layerId}/features/{featureId}?version={versionNumber}&author={author}
Host: <Hostname for the interactive API from the API Lookup Service>
Authorization: Bearer <Authorization Token>
Cache-Control: no-cache


Multiple versions of the same feature can be loaded when the value asterisk ( * ) is used.

For example: /features?id=F1,F2&version= or /features/F1?version=

If the version is not included, then the response will return the latest state of the features.


  "type": "Feature",
  "id": "{featureId}",
    "type": "Point",
      "createdAt": 1680007106932,
      "updatedAt": 1680007106932,
      "version": "{versionNumber}",
      "author": "{author}"
    "name": "Anfield",
    "amenity": "Football Stadium",
    "capacity": 54074,
    "popupContent": "Home of Liverpool Football Club"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""