Delete a changeset from an interactive map layer

The following request can be used to delete a changeset from an interactive map layer using the "version" query parameter.

The delete request works on one or more changesets, and the "version" value must be larger than 0 and use either < or =lt= .

For example, to remove changesets older than version 10, a DELETE /layers/{layerId}/changesets?version=lt=10 would be executed. The request will remove versions 9 through 0.

GET /<Base path for the interactive API from the API Lookup Service>/layers/{layerId}/changesets?version={versionNumber}
Host: <Hostname for the interactive API from the API Lookup Service>
Authorization: Bearer <Authorization Token>
Cache-Control: no-cache


You can alternatively use an API Key instead of an OAuth bearer token in an authorization header.

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