Storage and throughput limits

To ensure good performance, the HERE platform has limits on data storage and throughput. Some limits can be controlled by layer configuration, which may impact your cost since you are charged based on how you have configured the layers and data usage. As a general rule, the more data you send and receive from the HERE platform, and the more data you store, the more you will be charged. You will also be charged more if you configure layers for higher performance. For more information on costs associated with each layer type, see the Cost Management Guide.

Catalog limits

Constraint Limit
Maximum layers in a catalog 250
Automatic catalog version deletion (maximum number of retainable versions) 50,000

Layer limits

Index layer limits

Constraint Limit
Maximum partition size 500 GB
Maximum throughput No established limit, but your throughput will be affected by these factors:
  • Load on the HERE platform globally
  • Load on your HERE platform org
  • Type of operation (for example, read, write, or delete)
  • Size of the request or batch
  • Number of concurrent requests
Minimum TTL 7 days
Maximum TTL No maximum
Maximum amount of data No maximum
Minimum number of indexes of an index layer 1
Maximum number of indexes of an index layer 4

Cost considerations:

  • You are charged for the amount of metadata and data stored in the layer
  • You are charged based on the amount of data you read and write using the blob and index APIs
  • You are charged based on the retention setting configured for the layer

Interactive map layer limits

Constraint Limit
Maximum partition size Not applicable
Maximum throughput No established limit, but your throughput will be affected by these factors:
  • Load on the HERE platform globally
  • Load on your HERE platform org
  • Type of operation (for example, read, write, or delete)
  • Size of the request or batch
  • Number of concurrent requests
Minimum TTL Not applicable
Maximum TTL Not applicable
Maximum amount of data 128 TB
Maximum payload size - uploads 20 MB (uncompressed)
Maximum payload size - downloads 50 MB (uncompressed)
Maximum requests If you exceed 1,000 requests in a second, you are throttled and the remaining requests within that second fail for each app.
Maximum duration of a single request 30 seconds
Maximum features in a response 100,000
Maximum features in a layer to be fully searchable There are no restrictions for property search in layers that contain less than 10,000 features. For layers that contain more than 10,000 features, property search is enabled only for properties marked as “searchable”. Searchable properties can be defined either automatically or manually using the layer configuration settings.

Cost considerations:

  • You are charged for the amount of metadata and data stored in the layer
  • You are charged based on the amount of data you read and write using the interactive API
  • Indexing of layers happens on the fly, so no additional IO is charged, but the indexes add to the data stored.

Object store layer limits

Constraint Limit
Maximum single object size 500 GB
Maximum throughput No established limit, but your throughput will be affected by these factors:
  • Load on the HERE platform globally
  • Load on your HERE platform org
  • Type of operation (for example, read, write, or delete)
  • Size of the request or batch
  • Number of concurrent requests
Minimum TTL Not applicable
Maximum TTL Not applicable
Maximum amount of data in an object store layer No limit

Cost considerations:

  • You are charged for the amount of metadata and data stored in the layer
  • You are charged based on the amount of data you read and write using the blob API
  • There are no layer configuration settings that affect cost

Stream layer limits

Constraint Limit
Maximum partition size 1 MB

For more information, see Stream layer maximum message size limit.
Maximum throughput Inbound: 32800 KBps

Outbound: 65500 KBps, but catalogs in the HERE Marketplace have a maximum outbound throughput of 2000 KBps.

The maximum throughput for a stream layer is configured as allocated capacity during layer creation. The service starts throttling inbound messages when the inbound rate exceeds the inbound throughput. The service starts throttling outbound messages when the total outbound rate to all consumers exceeds the outbound throughput. When throttling occurs, the service response is delayed, but no messages are dropped.
Minimum TTL 10 minutes
Maximum TTL 72 hours
Maximum amount of data The maximum amount of data that can be concurrently stored in a stream layer can be calculated as follows:

(inbound throughput) x (retention time)
Maximum consumer group size The number of subscriptions in a consumer group in a stream layer can be calculated as follows:

max (input throughput, ceil (output throughput /2))
Maximum message size The maximum message size for a stream layer is 1 MB, and we recommend that you keep messages to 1 MB or less. For messages larger than 1 MB, we recommend that you upload the data to the Blob API first and pass a message in stream by reference (data handle).

Cost considerations:

  • Usage does not affect cost
  • You are charged based on the maximum throughput configured for the layer
  • You are charged based on the retention setting configured for the layer

Versioned layer limits

Constraint Limit
Maximum partition size 500 GB
Maximum throughput We recommend that you do not exceed 24 MB/second when publishing metadata. More specific limits apply for single file uploads in the data publication process. For more information see Publish to a versioned layer.
Maximum amount of data No maximum

Cost considerations:

  • You are charged for the amount of metadata and data stored in the layer
  • You are charged based on the amount of data you read and write using the blob and metadata APIs
  • There are no layer configuration settings that affect cost
  • Deleting catalog versions to manage storage costs gives you more granular data lifecycle management controls for your versioned layers. You can delete catalog versions manually or use the config service to delete catalog versions automatically by enabling the automaticVersionDeletion and setting the numberOfVersionsToKeep with a maximum value of 50,000. For more information, see Delete catalog versions.
  • HERE recommends your data partitions have homogenous sizes and use as high of a zoom level as possible. For more information, see Considerations when designing data models for versioned layers.

Volatile layer limits

Constraint Limit
Maximum partition size 2 MB
Maximum throughput No established limit, but your throughput will be affected by these factors:
  • Load on the HERE platform globally
  • Load on your HERE platform org
  • Type of operation (for example, read, write, or delete)
  • Size of the request or batch
  • Number of concurrent requests
Minimum TTL 1 minute
Maximum TTL 7 days
Maximum amount of data 21 GB

Cost considerations:

  • You are charged based on the amount of data you read and write using the blob API
  • You are charged based on the storage capacity configured for the layer. The price increases as the storage capacity increases.
  • You are charged based on the data redundancy configured for the layer. For multi-instance mode, your cost triples because two additional copies of your data are created, for a total of 3 copies, to provide durability.

Data API quotas

API Quota
stream Each appId has a quota for total stream layer throughput. Quotas are byte-rate thresholds. A single appId can span multiple producer and consumer instances, and the quota will apply for all of them as a single entity. For example, if the appId ”test-client” has a produce quota of 10200 KBps, this is shared across all instances with that same appId. The default quota per Kafka topic partition is:

  • Input throughput ("producer\_byte\_rate"): 10200 KBps
  • Output throughput rate ("consumer\_byte\_rate"): 2000 KBps
index The index API uses a resource-based throttling mechanism. When requests cause CPU and memory resources to exceed certain threshold, further requests are throttled while the system allocates more resources using autoscaling.
publish The publish API has a quota of 5000 requests per minute, per appId.

Artifact Service API quotas

API Quota
schema and artifact listing Each appId has a quota for requests that return lists. A single appId can send no more than 5 requests in 5 seconds
download artifact with API key Each appId has a quota for requests that use an API key. A single appId can send no more than 500 requests in 5 seconds
check access to an artifact Each appId has a quota for requests that return artifact. A single appId can send no more than 150 requests in 5 seconds
other schema and artifact operations Each appId has a quota for requests that are not covered by previous paragraphs. A single appId can send no more than 50 requests in 5 seconds

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