Delete a layer

Deleting a layer removes one or more layers from a catalog. You may want to delete a layer to reorganize your data within the HERE platform. You may also want to delete a layer to manage your data cost by removing layers you no longer need. Other ways of managing data cost include deleting catalogs, deleting partitions, and managing data deletion using the layer's Time-To-Live (TTL) setting.

You can delete versioned, volatile, stream, index, object store and interactive map layers.


HERE does not recommend deleting versioned layers. Deleting a versioned layer breaks the data dependency chain inside a catalog and any dependencies outside of the catalog.

Deleting and re-creating a versioned layer with the same layer ID modifies all versions where the original layer is not empty. This can impact batch processing pipelines that rely on the immutability of catalog versions.

For example, in map compilation use cases, this may prevent you from recomputing derived maps based on an older fixed version of the catalog or from correctly processing the changed partitions.

HERE's recommended and preferred method of deleting versioned layer data is to follow a deprecation lifecycle process that includes:

  • Updating the layer`s description, marking it as obsolete to warn against further use
  • Publishing a latest version with all partitions with empty dataHandles
  • After above steps are taken and after a certain period of time, e.g. 1-6 months, deleting the entire layer.

Before deleting and recreating a versioned layer, HERE recommends deleting all catalog versions where that layer is not empty to avoid modifying the content of those versions.


Deleting a layer will permanently and irrevocably delete both the data and the metadata associated with the layer.

This procedure deletes a layer using the config service. For complete information on using the config service, see the API Reference.

  1. Obtain an authorization token. For instructions, see the Identity & Access Management Guide.
  2. Use the API Lookup service to get the API endpoint for the config API of the catalog for the layer you want to delete. For instructions, see the API Lookup Developer's Guide.
  3. Delete the layer using this request:

    DELETE /catalogs/<catalogHrn>/layers/<layerId> HTTP/1.1
    Host: <Hostname for the config API from the API Lookup Service>
    Authorization: Bearer <Authorization Token>
  4. The request returns 202 Accepted. The body of the response contains the element href which contains a URL where you can get the status of the layer deletion process. For example:

       "title": "Layer Deletion",
       "href": "",
       "type": "urn:olp-types:status"

    Use the GET method with the URL in the href field of the response to get the status of the deletion. The request returns 202 Accepted and the status is in the response body. For example:

       "status": "pending",
       "steps": [
           "name": "delete_layer:validation",
           "state": "Completed"
           "name": "delete_layer:metadata",
           "state": "Completed"
           "name": "delete_layer:catalog_publishing",
           "state": "In progress"
           "name": "delete_layer:layers",
           "state": "Not started"
           "name": "delete_layer:database",
           "state": "Not started"
           "name": "delete_layer:backups",
           "state": "Not started"
           "name": "delete_layer:cache",
           "state": "Not started"
  5. Once the layer is deleted, the URL will return 200 OK with the response body:

     "status": "success"


It may take several minutes for a deleted layer to be removed from the list of layers returned by the Data Client Library, CLI, REST API, and the list displayed on the platform portal.


Cost savings associated with the deletion of layers will not be shown immediately and can take up to (2) weeks to be represented in usage dashboard.

For complete information on using the config service, see the API Reference.

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