
Complete Delivery

Once you arrive at your delivery destination, expand the stop card and tap Delivery. If you were able to complete your delivery, you have the option to use the Barcode-reader, get a customer signature, or take a photograph of the delivered item, as proof of delivery.

Complete delivery
Figure 1. Complete delivery
  • To scan the delivery item, expand the stop card and tap Delivery (or check several Deliveries in the list if there is more than one delivery in the task), then in the Delivery menu, tap on the Scan button and point your camera on the parcel barcode. When the barcode is scanned, the Scan button will be displayed as checked.

    • Alternatively, tap the Scan button at the bottom left of your main screen to scan an item - in this way the scan menu screen will open automatically. Scan the barcode on the item (or several), then tap Delivery to proceed to the delivery screen and tap Mark as Deivered.
  • To get a customer's signature, in the Delivery menu tap on the pen icon, allow a customer to sign and tap Done.

  • To make a photo of the item, tap on the photo icon, make a photo of the item and confirm or retake the photo if prompted.

You can specify if the order was delivered to the recipient, a neighbour, or a depot. Tap Deliver to and select the related from the dropdow. If it is to a neighbour, then you can specify the name of the person who received the order and his/her address. If its to a depot, then you can selest the related depot from the list.

You also have the option to add a driver's note. Your dispatcher will see the proof of delivery such as a barcode scan, signature, or photo in his dashboard.

When done, tap Mark as Picked up at the bottom of the screen.

You are then presented with the follow-up task. You can expand the task stop card to see more details, or collapse it back to see the map overview. Tap the Directions icon, to start turn-by-turn navigation to the next stop.

Unable to Complete Delivery

In case you were not able to complete the delivery, select the Unable tab on the upper-right of the screen.

Again, here you can add a photo to prove the failed delivery.

Tap Select reason to give more details. Please note that this list is scrollable.

Optionally you can add a comment in the Notes section below to be read by the dispatcher.

Unable to complete reasons
Figure 2. Unable to complete reasons

When done, tap Unable to Complete.

Such Delivery will be displayed in the Dashboard for the dispatcher as Unable.

Re-attempt Delivery

You can return to the failed delivery later to re-attempt delivering it.

To do so, select a failed delivery from your current route that you are going to re-attempt, press and hold on it. You will see the message asking if you would like to reopen it. Tap OK, and the delivery will become active again.

Once you reopen a delivery, you can try to deliver it again and mark it as Complete if it succeeds or Unable if it fails again.

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